I became a student this year on the BA (Hons) Fashion Degree, to gain high level skills to enable me to become employable within the fashion industry. I chose 'BA Fashion' rather than 'Fashion promotion' etc to keep my options open and allow myself time to find out what area I am most skillful within.
After completing my National Diploma, Fashion and Clothing, I realised that clothing and the production of garments best suited me. This area requires precision and a neat, methodical way of working, I found that this way of working came naturally to me.
Creativity is a great weakness of mine, with regards to designing/drawing. I enjoy these areas, however I find them incredibly time-consuming and I often become frustrated. For these reasons I have chosen drawing classes as my elective for this year to hopefully improve my artwork and enable me to become more original and think outside the box!
I believe in always striving to submit work which is to the best of my ability and to always meet deadlines! I hope to become more organised this year and to work with greater speed and discipline!